GBR Restoration Symposium
16-19 July 2018
Opening Sessions

Welcome to Country
Gudjugudju - Gimuy Walubarra Yidinji; Gavin Singleton - Yirrganydji

Introduction to the Symposium from the NESP Tropical Water Quality Hub leader
Damien Burrows, Symposium convenor, RRRC/NESP TWQ/JCU

Opening address 1
The Hon Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation

Opening address 2
Patrick Suckling, Australian Ambassador for the Environment, DFAT

Plenary – Status of the Great Barrier Reef: risks and opportunities in the 21st century
David Wachenfeld, GBRMPA

Plenary – Coastal habitat restoration past and present
Boze Hancock, TNC

Collaboration to improve efficiency and spur aggresive innovation: the Coral Restoration Consortium
Tali Vardi, NOAA

Indigenous perspectives on coral restoration in the Great Barrier Reef
Gavin Singleton, Dawul Wuru

Listening session – perspectives from diverse stakeholders about need for and scope of interventions on the Great Barrier Reef
Introduction by Hon. Penny Wensley AC, Chair, Reef Advisory Committee

Collaborating to create an innovative suite of tools: the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program
David Mead, AIMS

Next generation corals for tomorrow’s reefs
Line Bay, AIMS

Asking for permission? The role of social licence in coral restoration
Justine Lacey, CSIRO

New approaches, transdisciplinary work and synthesis is needed to solve GBR problems: Integrated Pest Management for COTS
Sheriden Morris, RRRC

Building reefs versus planting corals – examples from Indonesia
Frank Mars, Mars Inc

Young adults workshop
Nathan Cook, Reef Ecologic

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